Born in Cameron, Texas, Charlie Jean is a native Houstonian. She was certified in ceramics and sculpture at the Alfred C. Glassell School of Art and received a William A. Smith Endowment Award.
During her 50-year career as an artist she has been in numerous local and national juried exhibitions. Mid-career she directed interdisciplinary collaborations and performances and installations that were awarded grants through private and public institutions.
In 1986, she converted a 22,000 square foot warehouse in downtown Houston into Mother Dog Studios, one of the first large scale alternative studio and exhibition spaces for artists. Mother Dog Studios has provided hundreds of local and national artists working studio spaces to experiment and develop visual ideas. Since 1996, Mother Dog Studios has been headquarters for the Annual Warehouse ARTCRAWL, an open studio exhibition of downtown warehouses run exclusively by artists. To find out more information about Mother Dog Studios, please visit www.motherdogstudios.org

As a self-employed artist, she has been active in arts organizations serving as Treasurer for the ARTCRAWL from 1996 to the present. During 1993-2000, she was Director of the Buffalo Bayou ARTPARK, an artist-run volunteer organization. Through her directorship of the ARTPARK, she established non profit status and an outdoor venue for national and local artists to exhibit temporary artwork in Houston's City parks. Her interest in collage and painting now occupy her studio time at the ArtFarm where she has developed several studios for sculptors. Ten hens are free-ranged where eggs are collected daily.